

Accelerate your virtualization with Oriflamme It Solutions.

Our industry-leading servers, storage devices, and data management solutions are designed to help organizations across industries achieve their virtualization goals faster and more efficiently. Trust Oriflamme IT Solutions to help you streamline your IT infrastructure and improve overall performance.

Ongoing support to keep your organization ahead of the game.


Say goodbye to the limitations of physical hardware and hello to a more efficient, streamlined IT system. With Oriflamme IT Solutions, you can easily simulate hardware functionality and create a virtual computer system that meets your specific needs. Accelerate your virtualization process and stay ahead of the competition.

Empower your business with virtualization.

Physical hardware and embrace the flexibility and agility of virtualization. With Oriflamme IT Solutions, you can run multiple instances of your computer system in a layer abstracted from the actual hardware, giving you more control and efficiency. Accelerate your organization's growth with our industry-leading servers, storage devices, and data management solutions.

Optimize your resources with virtualization technology.

Let go of physical restrictions and welcome optimized resources. Virtualization technology allows you to create virtual representations of servers, storage, and more, maximizing your efficiency and minimizing costs. Let Oriflamme IT Solutions help you accelerate your virtualization journey with industry-leading solutions.


Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), the software layer, can be deployed over the host operating system or right onto the system hardware. The virtualization architecture of the server is dependent on how VMM is installed. It makes it possible to transition between virtual machines without restarting or hardware partitioning.

Hosted Architecture :

Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), the software layer, can be deployed over the host operating system or right onto the system hardware. The virtualization architecture of the server is dependent on how VMM is installed. It makes it possible to transition between virtual machines without restarting or hardware partitioning.

Bare-Metal Architecture :

The software layer of VMM is initially installed on the system's base OS, which is then used by users to execute guest OSes. Communication with I/O devices is primarily managed by the host OS, with only a few I/O devices having limited access to the guest OS.


Application Virtualization

In this case, the applications are virtualized and streamed over a network to the end user's computer.

Desktop virtualization

Is a technique that separates the desktop environment of a computer from the actual machine. It is mostly utilized in data centers, where servers house customized desktop pictures for each user.

Hardware virtualization

This is referring to the development of virtual (as opposed to actual) computers and operating systems. It aims to run different operating systems on the same hardware and lets more than one user use the processor simultaneously.

Network Virtualization

This is the process of combining the available network resources by dividing the available bandwidth into independent channels that can be assigned to particular servers and devices as needed.

Server virtualization

Consists of partitioning one physical server into numerous virtual servers, each of which runs its own application and operating system.

Storage virtualization

Lets you combine physical storage from multiple network storage devices into a single device so it performs as if it were all on one device.

Operating System (OS) Virtualization

This technology enables organizations to run multiple operating systems on one server without having to have separate servers for each one.

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In perfect alignment with the client's business requirements, Oriflamme provides specialized IT virtualization consulting services. With the assistance of our subject matter specialists, you may benefit from virtualization for all essential business applications.

Improved agility

By improving storage I/O performance as well as virtualizing critical business applications, we help accelerate virtualization.

Boosted productivity

Our goal is to simplify storage management and consolidate hardware to ensure higher productivity.

Advanced resource optimization

Our system combines the available resources and divides the available bandwidth into independent channels to attain advanced resource optimization.

Backup Support & Disaster Recovery

The proper administration and preservation of vital client data are guaranteed by a foolproof backup and disaster recovery plan.

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